Professional pool counterflow for commercial use
Customers often ask us if we offer a professional pool counterflow. What kind?

Countercurrents are very popular in commercial applications. Your clients can use the pool counterflow as an ideal aid to swimming training, not only at a professional level. Turbines can be used to train different types of swimmers – endurance training, strength training, technical swimming or rehabilitation swimming. The intensity of the current can be individually adjusted.
Some clients even use it as a powerful massage. In commercial use, the counter-current can be switched on for the entire duration of the session, or it can usually be set to run at shorter intervals.
Professional Pool Counterflow Binder
During our many years of experience, we have chosen only suppliers who offer quality products with modern technology. One of these is the Binder countercurrent, which makes swimming a real experience. Our customers are satisfied and get exactly what they expect from a professional countercurrent. In fact, the turbine technology itself gives your customers the feeling of swimming in a wild river.
The power of the current itself is easy to regulate and installation is very simple. The counter-current will not pull swimmers to the side, as is sometimes the case with other counter-currents. The Binder countercurrent also takes up less space than conventional pump-driven countercurrents.
The Binder professional countercurrent is suitable for demanding swimmers and professionals, but also for recreational swimmers. You can use it for leisure swimming or for targeted swimming sessions that you organise for your clients. It can be used for endurance swimming, health swimming or aerobic exercises in the pool. The app makes it easy to select a workout programme, but you can also create your own.
The app also allows you to control the lighting in the pool. What are the main advantages that set this counter-current apart from others?
– Exceptional experience – the patented turbine system makes you feel like you’re swimming in a river.
– Maintenance free system – simple and labour free.
– Energy efficient and low maintenance.
– Safe with automatic turbine shutdown when required.
– Easy to install – no manhole required, one cable power supply.
– App control – on your mobile phone, sports watch or remote control.
Professional counterflow binder and which one to choose?
Within the counterflow range, you can choose between a single-turbine or twin-turbine counterflow. Single-turbine countercurrents are sold with a flow rate of 160 m3 /h, which allows you to swim 100 metres in 2″30 sec, and 215 m3 /h (2″15 sec/100 metres), which is designed for regular swimmers. There are also 275 m3 /h (1″58 sec/100 m) and 600 m3 /h, designed for more demanding swimmers.
Binder’s twin-turbine professional counter-currents are available with flow rates of 320 m3/h (1″45 sec/100 m), 430 m3/h (1″30 sec/100 m), 550 m3/h (1″05 sec/100 m) and 1200 m3/h. These are designed for professional swimmers and athletes, triathletes or simply for commercial use (whitewater, wave running, etc.).
Which one will you choose? The Binder Countercurrent can be installed in a new pool or retrofitted to an existing pool.
Thinking about getting a quality counter current and pool for your commercial project?
We specialise in the production of designer stainless steel swimming pools, bespoke stainless steel spas, luxury saunas and various wellness facilities. We are the European leader in stainless steel production. Why buy a stainless steel pool from IMAGINOX?
–We offer quality and luxury stainless steel pools for commercial use.
-Easy operation and automatic control from the reception.
–Durability and sustainability.
-Certifications for commercial use.
–Work with designers and architects to create a unique spa for your clients.